Removing Gluten & Grains: What now?

In my last blog, I discussed the various effects on our bodies when we eat gluten and other grains. Eating those items can cause inflammation, pain, and over time an autoimmune disorder.

I put out the challenge to go grain free as of January 3, 2018.

The holidays are around the corner and I know that everyone is probably already feeling a little stressed. What we will be doing is not a diet but a lifestyle change.

So what do you need to do to get ready for January 3, 2018?

According to Dr. Willam Davis, grains “yield opiates that drive appetite and are responsible for an addictive relationship to food”

First, check with your doctor before starting any diet. The information I am sharing with you is from Dr. William Davis, who is a well-known cardiologist.  His book, Undoctored, goes into great detail the importance of having a grain free lifestyle.

Second, remove all gluten and grains from your house. Yes, I said ALL. You can give the items to your local charity.  According to Dr. Willam Davis, grains “yield opiates that drive appetite and are responsible for an addictive relationship to food”. (Undoctored, Davis, Wiliam, MD)

I will warn you that for the first 5-7 days after removing grains from your diet, your body will go through “an opiate withdrawal syndrome”.  Grains are a “gliadin protein, derived opiates, from wheat and related grains”. (Undoctored, Davis, Wiliam, MD)

You may feel like quitting but think of this as a marathon. We are starting the race and need to pace ourselves.

Once you have stopped eating the grains, you may experience the following symptoms for the first 5-7 days: nausea; a headache; fatigue; and depression. You may feel like quitting but think of this as a marathon. We are starting the race and need to pace ourselves.

During those 5-7 days, don’t exercise. Your body will feel like you do when you have the flu, but it is detoxing. It is normal to feel this way.

Drink LOTS of water to help flush out the toxins.

Salt your food lightly; if you do not add salt you may risk feeling light-headed and faint. Sea salt is a good choice.

Pamper yourself. Take a warm bath, watch some T.V.; anything that will make you feel comfortable.

hand reachFinally, Dr. Davis recommends that you don’t do this alone but with a friend.  I plan on doing it for I want to restore my health in 2018 and be pain-free. Losing weight would be a bonus.

Will you join me?

2 thoughts on “Removing Gluten & Grains: What now?

  1. Pretty! This was an incredibly wonderful article. Many thanks for supplying this information.


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